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[Rolling] Sponsorship Opportunity: REI Phase 1 Training

Hyde Hall wide

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities will cover the cost for faculty to the Racial Equity Institute’s two-day Phase 1 training.

Leading with Empathy, Trust, and Service: Robin Sansing (ALP ’24)

Featured Fellow: Robin Sansing, ALP '24.

Whether it’s in her work as a social worker or as co-founder of Mindful UNC, Robin Sansing is committed to supporting others in their development and growth. The relationships built among a group are essential for collaboration and support that enhances the group’s work.  

Art Historian Christine Poggi to Deliver Reckford Lecture

Reckford Lecture in European Studies. From Primal Matter to Surrogate Veneer: Wood and Faux Bois in Picasso’s Cubism.” Christine Poggi, New York University. February 29 at 4 p.m. University Room, Hyde Hall.

On Feb. 29, the Institute for the Arts and Humanities will host the Mary Stevens Reckford Memorial Lecture in European Studies, with keynote speaker Christine Poggi, an art historian at New York University.

Judy Woodruff to Deliver Weil Lecture

The Weil Lecture on American Citizenship with Judy Woodruff: America at a Crossroads. Monday, March 25, 5:30 p.m. in Hill Hall. Institute for the Arts and Humanities.

Judy Woodruff will deliver the Weil Lecture on American Citizenship, hosted by the Institute for the Arts and Humanities, on March 25, 2024.

Q&A: Lee Weisert (FFP ’19) on ‘Recesses’ album

Lee Weisert composes on a toy piano, with a full-size piano next to him.

Lee Weisert started writing the music for his new album, Recesses, during his 2019 Faculty Fellowship at the IAH.

[Now Closed] Call for Applications: Summer International Collaborative Research Grant

Flowers around the Old Well on a clear day.

The Summer International Collaborative Research Grant provides $20,000 of ongoing funding for up to five years for international projects beginning in summer 2024.

[Now Closed] Call for Applications: Faculty Director for Strategic Initiatives

A door opens to the courtyard, seen across the Fellows Gallery of Hyde Hall.

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities invites applications for the Faculty Director for Strategic Initiatives, to begin July 1, 2024.

Patricia Parker Receives Thomas Jefferson Award

Patricia Parker smiles in the Fellows Room. Behind her is the fireplace, where an excerpt from the University charter is inscribed.

Winner Patricia Parker accepted the 2023 Thomas Jefferson Award – one of the faculty’s highest awards – in honor of Sally Hemings and Ella Baker.

Broadening the Institute’s Impact

Illustrative graphics of What's Next for the Institute? Once a Fellow always a Fellow. Break down SILOS: More Collaboration. How to make decisions going forward? Keep questions in motion. Defend & AFFIRM value of arts & humanities. "Make space for the work to be done."

The Institute’s strategic plan, “Going Deeper to Broaden Our Impact,” builds on the strengths of the IAH’s core programs, partnerships, and initiatives to position the Institute for growth and responsiveness in an evolving academic culture.

Faculty leaders take the helms of IAH programs

Collage of program leaders. Top row: Adam Versényi, Nadia Yaqub, Todd Ramón Ochoa. Bottom row: Jan Bardsley, Ray Dooley, Renée Alexander Craft.

The IAH tapped the expertise and leadership of faculty across campus for its programs and initiatives in 2023-2024.