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Retired Faculty Program



Preparation for retirement is particularly challenging for faculty members who have spent many years in a position of research, teaching, and leadership in the university and larger academic community. Preserving and advancing the knowledge gathered through an academic career during retirement requires not only a thoughtful examination of personal retirement issues, but also consideration of how this knowledge might continue to inform a larger public of students outside the university community.

This seminar was founded as a joint project of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities and the Retired Faculty and Professionals Association. Both organizations are committed to the vitality and well-being of the UNC-Chapel Hill faculty. The IAH funds, hosts, and administers the program.

Recognizing retirement as a life-shaping event, the seminar supports faculty members as they enter retirement and active old age. In short, the seminar is designed to provide the space and time to begin to create a life you love in retirement.




Through weekly seminars, the Retired Faculty Program encourages retired faculty members to reflect on research, teaching, and leadership in the university and larger community and to find outlets for their creative and scholarly passions.



The Retired Faculty Program is open to all UNC-Chapel Hill faculty who are in phased retirement or have recently retired.



For more information, contact:

Zyon Perkins
Event Planner