Announcing the 2020-2021 Faculty Fellows
May 21, 2020 |
The Institute for the Arts and Humanities is pleased to announce its 2020-2021 cohort of Faculty Fellows. The Faculty Fellowship Program offers UNC College of Arts and Sciences faculty the opportunity to pursue ambitious, exciting, artistic, and scholarly projects that lead to publication, exhibition, composition, and performance. During a semester-long, on-campus Fellowship, Fellows meet weekly to exchange ideas with an interdisciplinary cohort of peers.
Faculty Fellows often demonstrate a track record of engaging in scholarship that breaks new ground in their respective fields, having an interest in communicating the results of their research to a broader audience, and working to bring that knowledge back into the classroom to teach Carolina students.
Starting this year, the Institute will award two additional Fellowships through its Race, Memory, and Reckoning Initiative. The initiative, as part of the College of Arts and Sciences’ efforts, aims to contribute to a broader campus effort to place inclusion, diversity, equity, and historical accuracy at the top of the University’s agenda. These additional Fellowships are dedicated specifically to faculty research, publication, support, education, and outreach on race, reckoning, and memory. Two will be awarded in each academic year from 2020-2023.
FALL 2020
Jocelyn Chua, Associate Professor, Anthropology
Borden Fellow
“Enduring War: Psychopharmaceuticals and Medicated Soldiering in America’s Post-9/11 Conflicts”
Michael Figueroa, Assistant Professor, Music
Pardue Fellow
“Music and the Racial Awakening of Arab America”
Maggie Fritz-Morkin, Assistant Professor, Romance Studies
Turner Fellow
“Dante’s Trecento: A Century of Fake News, Counterfeits, and Forgeries”
Torin Monahan, Professor, Communication
Ellison Fellow
“Crisis Vision: Critical Art and the Cultural Production of Surveillance”
Susan Pennybacker, Distinguished Professor, History
Burress Fellow
“Fire By Night; Cloud By Day: Refuge and Exile in Postwar London”
Aleksandra Prica
Woodbury Fellow
Germanic & Slavic Languages and Literature
“Decay and Afterlife: Reading Ruins, Time and History (1100-1900)”
Victoria Rovine, Professor, Art and Art History
Townsend Fellow
“Cloth Colonialism: Cultures of Cotton in France and French West Africa”
Rebecka Rutledge Fisher, Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature
Johnson Fellow
“The Thinker as Poet: The Poetry and Poetics of W.E.B. Du Bois”
Petal Samuel, Assistant Professor, African, African American, and Diaspora Studies
Blackwell Fellow
“The Decolonial Acoustic: Noise Control, Antiblackness, and the Colonial Sensorium”
John Sweet, Associate Professor, History
IAH Legacy Fellow – Race, Memory, and Reckoning Initiative
“Seeing Segregation in Everyday Places: The Legacies of Chapel Hill’s Cultural Landscapes”
Florence Babb, Distinguished Professor, Anthropology
Cramer Fellow
“Scaling Differences: Place, Race, and Gender in Andean Peru”
Maya Berry, Assistant Professor, African, African American, and Diaspora Studies
McGowan Fellow
“Choreographing Rumba: Race, Gender, the Sacred & the Uses of Black Popular Dance”
Oswaldo Estrada, Professor, Romance Studies
Arts & Humanities Fellow – Race, Memory, and Reckoning Initiative
“Tar Dreams: Latina/o Stories of Migration in North Carolina”
Serenella Iovino, Professor, Romance Studies
Townsend Fellow
“The Ecocritical Calvino”
Priscilla Layne, Associate Professor, Germanic & Slavic Languages and Literature
Bernstein Fellow
“Out of this World: Afro-German Afrofuturism”
Townsend Middleton, Associate Professor, Anthropology
Schwab Fellow
“The Quinine Chronicles: The Lives and Afterlives of a World-Historical Substance”
Courtney Rivard, Teaching Associate Professor, English and Comparative Literature
Tyson/Belk Fellow
“Voice of a Nation: Mapping Documentary Expression in New Deal America”
Katherine Turk, Associate Professor, History
Hyde Fellow
“A Dangerous Sisterhood: The Lost History of the National Organization for Women”
Claudia Yaghoobi, Assistant Professor, Asian Studies
Taylor Fellow
“Iranian-Armenian-American Diasporic Transnational Literary Subjects”
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