[Now Closed] Call for Applications: Faculty Director for Strategic Initiatives
November 27, 2023 | Kristen Chavez
The Institute for the Arts and Humanities invites applications for the Faculty Director for Strategic Initiatives.
This position is vital to developing, evaluating, and advancing three existing programmatic initiatives as well as several new strategic initiatives. Specifically, the Faculty Director for Strategic Initiatives will support the IAH’s existing equity and inclusion initiatives, including the Faculty of Color and Indigenous Faculty Group; the Race, Memory, and Reckoning Faculty Fellowships; and fixed-term faculty support.
New initiatives include developing faculty programs to support international research collaborations; supporting community engagement and partnerships locally, nationally, and globally to advance public-facing arts and humanities programs; leadership development support for newly appointed chairs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences; and other initiatives related to the IAH Director’s vision for faculty development and support.
In consultation with the IAH Director and with IAH staff support, the Faculty Director for Strategic Initiatives will coordinate all aspects of the IAH strategic priorities implementation plan.
Term: The length of the term is two years starting July 1, 2024, with the possibility of renewal.
Compensation: The appointment includes an annual course release and a $5,000 flexible use research stipend.
Eligibility: Interested applicants must hold the rank of full professor and have experience designing new projects or programs, working with international partnerships, and collaborating with staff and strategic partners.
To apply: Please submit your CV and a 500-word statement of purpose to iah@unc.edu as separate PDF attachments.
For the statement of purpose, please include:
- Reason for interest in this position
- Strengths and leadership experience that you would bring to the role
- Experience related to any of the IAH’s strategic initiatives
- Previous participation in IAH programs
- Ideas for infusing equity and inclusion into these initiatives (building community and removing barriers)
Applications are due Monday, January 22, 2024.
Please contact either Patricia Parker (psparker@email.unc.edu) or Tommie Watson (tommie@unc.edu) with any questions.
Categories: Calls and Opportunities, News