[Rolling] Sponsorship Opportunity: REI Phase 1 Training
January 30, 2024 | Kristen Chavez
In 2017-18, the Institute for the Arts and Humanities started offering racial equity trainings for faculty and IAH staff. In 2019, we announced an initiative to invest $500,000 into the Race, Memory, and Reckoning initiative, which seeks to understand and challenge the way we talk about race and how it relates to personal, intergenerational, and systemic memory — and how we’re accountable to ourselves and to each other.
To that end, the IAH has extended our commitment of covering the costs for numerous faculty to attend Racial Equity Institute’s two-day Phase 1 training.
About REI Phase 1 training
This training is designed to develop the capacity of participants to better understand racism in its institutional and structural forms. Moving away from a focus on personal bigotry and bias, this workshop presents a historical, cultural, and structural analysis of racism. Topics covered include REI’s fish/lake/groundwater analysis of structural racism; understanding and controlling implicit bias; race, poverty, and place; markedness theory; institutional power arrangements and power brokers; importance of definitions of race and racism; history and legacy of race in American economic and policy development; racial identity and its interaction with institutional culture. With shared language and a clearer understanding of how institutions and systems are producing unjust and inequitable outcomes, participants should leave the training better equipped to begin to work for change.
Open to permanent full-time tenure track and teaching track faculty in the arts, humanities, and qualitative social sciences, or faculty who have been an IAH Faculty Fellow or Academic Leadership Fellow.
How to apply for sponsorship
To take advantage of the opportunity:
- Email the IAH@unc.edu to request approval to use these funds.
- After the IAH approves your request, use a P-Card to register for a training of your choice. The IAH will provide a chartfield string for reconciliation in Works. (If necessary, please work with your department manager to reconcile this expense.)
- Send the registration confirmation to the IAH for our records.
Categories: Calls and Opportunities, News