Faculty Fellows Database
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The Faculty Fellowship Program was established at the Institute’s inception, with the first Faculty Fellow cohort convening in 1988. The database below includes the past Faculty Fellows since the program’s beginnings.
Alicia Rivero, Romance Studies, 1993
Michele Rivkin-Fish, Anthropology, 2013
John Roberts, Philosophy, 2016
Kathy Roberts, American Studies, 2011
Graeme Robertson, Political Science, 2010
Michelle Robinson, American Studies, 2018
Eliza Rose, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2022
Steven Rosefielde, Economics, 2000, 2007
Jay Rosenberg, Philosophy, 1991
Victoria Rovine, Art and Art History, 2020
Barbara Rowan, Music, 1991
Joyce Rudinsky, Communication, 2005, 2007
Rebecka Rutledge Fisher, English and Comparative Literature, 2020
Carlina Sa Carvalho, Romance Studies, 2018
Yasmin Saikia, History, 2004
Petal Samuel, African, African American, and Diaspora Studies, 2020
Patricia Sawin, Anthropology, 2002
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, Philosophy, 1988, 1990
Marc Schachter, Romance Studies, 2009
Mark Schoenfisch, Chemistry, 2015
Lars Schoultz, Political Science, 1995, 2006
Joel Schwartz, Political Science, 1994
Christoph E. Schweitzer, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1991
Donald Searing, Political Science, 1995
Jerome Seaton, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 1990
James Seay, English and Comparative Literature, 1990
Adam Seligman, Religious Studies, 1990
Erika Serrato, Romance Studies, 2024
Alan Shapiro, English and Comparative Literature, 1999, 2009
Sarah Sharma, Communication, 2009
Yaron Shemer, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 2011, 2021
Mary Sheriff, Art and Art History, 2002
Daniel Sherman, Art and Art History, 2017
Sarah Shields, History, 1996, 2001
Tanya Shields, Women's and Gender Studies, 2020
Stanislav Shvabrin, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2015
Kumarini Silva, Communication, 2014, 2022
Ana Silva Campo, History, 2024
Keith Simmons, Philosophy, 1990, 1994, 2004
Bland Simpson, English and Comparative Literature, 1998, 2006
Karla Slocum, Anthropology, 2003, 2020
Dean E. Smith, Athletics, 1999
Jennifer Smith, Linguistics, 2014
Sara Smith, Geography and Environment, 2011, 2018
Jay Smith, History, 2009
Howard Smither, Music, 1989
Alfredo Sosa-Velasco, Romance Studies, 2012
Allister Sparks, Hussman School of Journalism and Media, 2001, 2002
Philip A. Stadter, Classics, 1996
Kathryn Starkey, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 2002