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Search Faculty Fellows

The Faculty Fellowship Program was established at the Institute’s inception, with the first Faculty Fellow cohort convening in 1988. The database below includes the past Faculty Fellows since the program’s beginnings.


Brooks de Wetter Smith, Music, 2007
Paul Debreczeny, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1989
Stephanie DeGooyer, English and Comparative Literature, 2025
María DeGuzmán, English and Comparative Literature, 2004
Sarah Dempsey, Communication, 2009, 2023
Jean Desaix, Biology, 2005
Alan Dessen, English and Comparative Literature, 1990
Jack Donnelly III, Political Science, 1991
Florence Dore, English and Comparative Literature, 2013, 2022
Janet Downie, Classics, 2022
Eric Downing, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1997, 2002, 2012
Mark Driscoll, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 2006
Roberta Ann Dunbar, African, African American, and Diaspora Studies, 2002
Pam Durban, English and Comparative Literature, 2006
Kathleen DuVal, History, 2013, 2022
Connie Eble, English and Comparative Literature, 1993, 2011
Bart Ehrman, Religious Studies, 1989, 1992
Elizabeth Engelhardt, American Studies, 2016
Carl W. Ernst, Religious Studies, 2001, 2014
Arturo Escobar, Anthropology, 2003, 2009
Marisa Escolar, Romance Studies, 2017
Oswaldo Estrada, Romance Studies, 2011, 2016, 2021
Terence Evens, Anthropology, 1990, 1998, 2007
Judith Farquhar, Anthropology, 1992, 1998
Annegret Fauser, Music, 2004
Melanie Feinberg, School of Information and Library Science, 2018
William Ferris, History, 2007
Michael Figueroa, Music, 2020
Peter Filene, History, 1996, 2003
Leon R. Fink, History, 1988, 1993, 1996
Kaja Finkler, Anthropology, 1997
Dominique Fisher, Romance Studies, 1992, 1994, 2001
Kathleen Fitzgerald, Sociology, 2024
Gregory Flaxman, English and Comparative Literature, 2007, 2008
Mary Floyd-Wilson, English and Comparative Literature, 2004
Jaroslav Folda, Art and Art History, 1995, 2001
Walter Francke, Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1997
Paul Friga, Kenan-Flagler Business School, 2018
Maggie Fritz Morkin, Romance Studies, 2020
Lillian Furst, English and Comparative Literature, 1990, 2000
Jay Garcia, American Studies, 2008
David Garcia, Music, 2024
Samuel Gates, Dramatic Art, 2022
Jennifer Gates-Foster, Classics, 2016
Henry (Chip) Gerfen, Linguistics, 2001
Deborah Gerhardt, School of Law, 2017
Michael Gerhardt, School of Law, 2010
Pika Ghosh, Art and Art History, 2004, 2015
Julia Gibson, Dramatic Art, 2024
Marianne Gingher, English and Comparative Literature, 2000, 2008