[Now Closed] Call for Proposals: Friday Arts and Humanities Research Award
February 2, 2024 | Kristen Chavez
The Institute for the Arts and Humanities and Honors Carolina—with the generous support of the William C. Friday Leadership Fund—invite proposals for the William C. Friday Arts and Humanities Research Award. This award offers students the opportunity to apprentice with a current or former Faculty Fellows or Academic Leadership Fellows in ongoing research. To foster new collaborative partnerships, preference will be given to faculty/student pairings that have not previously worked together on funded research projects. Interdisciplinary projects are highly encouraged.
Who may apply?
Undergraduate students with current or former IAH Fellows are welcome to initiate a collaboration and submit a joint application.
When are applications due?
Applications are due on Friday, April 5, 2024.
How much funding will this award provide?
The Friday Award provides $2,000 stipends to undergraduate students to serve as research apprentices. Student recipients will receive payment during the fall 2024 semester. The IAH or Honors Carolina will provide additional information about the hiring process after awards are announced.
Can multiple students work with the same faculty member on the same proposal?
Yes, there is no limit to the number of students who can apply as part of the same proposal. Each student attached to a successful proposal will receive the stipend. Successful proposals typically include one to three students.
How many awards are available?
Up to twelve students will receive the award.
What are the steps to apply?
Faculty and student(s) submit one joint online application. A complete application includes the following:
- Faculty CV.
- Student resume/CV
- Research proposal including a brief description of the nature of the research to be conducted, details on the student’s duties as a research assistant (8-10 hours per week), and an explanation of how the project contributes to the academic goals of both applicants.
Joint application available at: https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_efyocgQBZNNfznv
When will I be notified?
Awards will be announced in May 2024. Please contact Silas Webb, IAH Program Administrator, at slwebb@email.unc.edu with any questions or concerns.
Are there any reporting requirements?
Yes, each funded project (including faculty and all students) will be asked for two reports. First, a midterm report updating the IAH and Honors Carolina on the progress that is being made on the project and any concerns that the project team has. This report should also serve as a performance review for stipend recipients. Second, the final report should be submitted in the semester immediately following the funded semester. This report should detail the work completed and future plans for the project.
Categories: Calls and Opportunities