Category: Event: Lectures
Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II will deliver the 2017 Weil Lecture

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities announces Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II will deliver the 2017 Weil Lecture on American Citizenship, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017, at Moeser Auditorium in Hill Hall at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Barber is pastor at Greenleaf Christian Church, Disciples of Christ in Goldsboro. He has served as president of the North Carolina National Association for the Advanc … Read more
Reckford Lecture
The Institute hosts the annual Mary Stevens Reckford Memorial Lecture in European Studies, established in 1990 by UNC Classics Professor Kenneth J. Reckford to honor his wife, Mary Stevens Reckford (February 25, 1934 – November 12, 1987). The lecture is designed to appeal to the public, rather than specialists. Speakers are asked to provide “pleasure, instruction, an interdisciplinary approach and a sense of shared h … Read more
Weil Lecture
The Institute for the Arts and Humanities has hosted UNC’s Weil Lecture on American Citizenship since 2000. Brothers Henry and Solomon Weil established the lecture in 1915 to widen discussion of the concept in the United States. Presidents Taft and Carter, Eleanor Roosevelt, Senators J. William Fulbright and Nancy Kassebaum and Professor Lester Thurow are among the many distinguished Weil lecturers. Other recent spea … Read more