Your Promotion on the Teaching Track
OnlineThis will be a facilitated conversation about promotion on the teaching track, with a panel of three experienced administrators and faculty members on the teaching track.
This will be a facilitated conversation about promotion on the teaching track, with a panel of three experienced administrators and faculty members on the teaching track.
Hosted by the New Faculty Program This will be an opportunity for faculty to learn about the academic book publishing process and best practices to write a successful book proposal. Christopher Ahn, a professional developmental editor and former acquisitions editor … Read more
A facilitated conversation about promotion with a panel of three experienced administrators and faculty members on the tenure track.
Writing and publishing a book against the backdrop of COVID-19 comes with unique challenges. Global supply chain disruptions, constantly-changing teaching situations, racially gendered reproductive labor expectations, and unpredictable schedules are leaving many scholars with less time and fewer resources than … Read more
A Reckford Lecture event, in partnership with University Libraries.
A reading group discussion on Magdalena Zaborowska's book, Me and My House: James Baldwin’s Last Decade in France.
The New Faculty Program hosts Masako Ikeda from University of Hawai’i Press and Michelle Salyga from Routledge.
Claire McCaskill will deliver the Fall 2021 Weil Lecture on American Citizenship on October 25, 2021, in a public livestream from Hill Hall. The lecture will be free and open to the public via Zoom. Registration required; register for the Weil … Read more
How did the US and UK governments respond in the days, weeks, and years following the major terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 and 7/7 2005? What have both countries learned about dealing with the threat of terrorism? Panels of American and British former leaders will examine these questions. American panelists: … Read more
The CLP offers first-time and reappointed chairs a year of monthly confidential conversations in which they can share ideas, identify best practices and explore important issues related to the important roles they play within the university.
The Faculty Fellowship Program provides on-campus, semester-long leaves for faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences to pursue research and creative work that leads to publication, exhibition, composition, and performance.
The Faculty Fellowship Program provides on-campus, semester-long leaves for faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences to pursue research and creative work that leads to publication, exhibition, composition, and performance.