New Faculty Program: Promotion on the Tenure Track
Join NFP for lunch and a presentation by Director of Faculty Administration Evan Pebesema about the promotion process on the tenure track.
Join NFP for lunch and a presentation by Director of Faculty Administration Evan Pebesema about the promotion process on the tenure track.
Join NFP for lunch and a presentation by Director of Faculty Administration Evan Pebesema about the promotion process on the teaching track.
Gather with fellow New Faculty Program members for an end of semester social at Night School Bar in Durham, NC! The Institute will cover the costs of 1 food or beverage item per faculty member. Please RSVP by Monday, December … Read more
When Michael Figueroa first arrived as a new faculty member of the music department at UNC-Chapel Hill, he needed support to transition into a large university with different priorities. “In such a large institution, it’s easy to feel lost when you arrive. … Read more
Participants will learn about the National Humanities Center Residential Fellowships and workshop their project proposals.
Tru Deli & Bar 114 Henderson St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Hosted by the Associate Professor Program and New Faculty Program This event will welcome faculty from both the New Faculty Program and Associate Professor Program to connect with … Read more
Hyde Hall Incubator Room Hosted by the New Faculty Program This will be an opportunity for faculty to learn about the academic book publishing process, and best practices to write a successful book proposal. Please register by Monday, … Read more
This social will provide an opportunity to gather with fellow members of the program and allow space for community building and networking.
This will be a facilitated conversation about promotion on the teaching track, with a panel of three experienced administrators and faculty members on the teaching track.
This dinner will introduce new faculty to international eateries in the Triangle, while providing an opportunity for community building.