Fellows Celebration
University Room, Hyde Hall 176 East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United StatesThe Fellows Celebration recognize major artistic and scholarly works by Faculty Fellows that were produced in 2024.
The Fellows Celebration recognize major artistic and scholarly works by Faculty Fellows that were produced in 2024.
The Arts and Humanities Grant for Research Diversity supports research, professional development, and creative activities that promote research diversity. UNC System Policy defines “diversity” as “the ways in which individuals vary, including, but not limited to, backgrounds, beliefs, viewpoints, abilities, cultures, and … Read more
Demographies of Babel: Musical Modernities between Istanbul and Cairo Dr. Martin Stokes, Kings College London It is plausibly claimed that Comparative Literature took distinct shape in Turkey in the 1930s, through the careers of Spitzer and Auerbach at Istanbul University. … Read more
Join NFP for lunch and a presentation by Director of Faculty Administration Evan Pebesema about the promotion process on the teaching track.
The Summer International Collaborative Research Grant provides $20,000 of ongoing funding for up to five years for international projects beginning in summer 2025. Faculty may use the funds to travel abroad and establish new collaborative research projects or continue existing ones. Two … Read more
Join NFP for lunch and a presentation by Director of Faculty Administration Evan Pebesema about the promotion process on the tenure track.
Fatima El-Tayeb will deliver the Mary Stevens Reckford Memorial Lecture in European Studies on Thursday, Feb. 20.
Join fellow members of the Faculty of Color and Indigenous Faculty Group for an broad ranging conversation on support networks and resources.
Mary Floyd-Wilson (FFP ’04, ALP ’10), professor of English and a nationally recognized scholar of early modern English literature, has been named the 2024-2025 recipient of the George H. Johnson Prize for Distinguished Achievement by an IAH Fellow. The award, given biennially … Read more
The IAH provides the Fixed-Term Faculty Support Grant to support pedagogical or research portfolios of fixed-term faculty.
The IAH and Honors Carolina invite proposals for the Friday Arts and Humanities Research Award for students to apprentice with current or former IAH fellows in ongoing research.