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Arts and Humanities Grants for Research Diversity Application Deadline

January 27

The Arts and Humanities Grant for Research Diversity supports research, professional development, and creative activities that promote research diversity.

UNC System Policy defines “diversity” as “the ways in which individuals vary, including, but not limited to, backgrounds, beliefs, viewpoints, abilities, cultures, and traditions that distinguish one individual or group from another.” Funds are for arts- and humanities-related endeavors that advance research diversity and are available through the end of the following fiscal year.

These funds will expire on June 30, 2026.

Who may apply?

Faculty holding a tenure-stream or full-time fixed-term position (1.0 FTE) at any rank and from any unit at UNC-Chapel Hill are welcome to apply. Fixed-term faculty must have at least one year of service at the University and hold contracts that extend at least through the end of the fiscal year following the grant period.



January 27
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