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Call for Applications: Summer International Collaborative Research Grant

August 27, 2024 | Kristen Chavez

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities Summer International Collaborative Research Grant. The SICR Grant provides funding to faculty to travel abroad and establish new collaborative research projects or continue existing ones. Deadline: Feb. 28, 2025.


The Summer International Collaborative Research Grant provides $20,000 of ongoing funding for up to five years for international projects beginning in summer 2025. Faculty may use the funds to travel abroad and establish new collaborative research projects or continue existing ones. Two grants will be awarded. These funds will expire on June 30, 2030.

  • Although all international collaborative research projects are eligible, preference will be given to proposals for projects with one of UNC’s four strategic partners, King’s College London, Universität Tübingen, National University of Singapore, and Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
  • Proposals for new or existing collaborative research projects with a host organization, such as a university, museum, think tank, or consortium will be considered.
  • Research products should be detailed in the proposal, with an explanation for why a given product is important to the recipient’s field or professional development.

Who may apply?

Any tenure-stream faculty member in the fine arts, humanities, and qualitative social sciences holding a primary appointment in the College of Arts and Sciences. Preference will be given to faculty who hold the rank of associate professor.

When are applications due?

Monday, February 28, 2025

What type of expenses are permissible?

  • Up to $5,000 on summer salary, including fringe, taken at any point during the grant period
  • International and local travel
  • Lodging and meals (based on the local cost of living)
  • Books and supplies, including archival research, reproductions, and research equipment
  • Funding UNC graduate research assistants, including travel
  • Hosting, catering, and venue rental for international events, conferences, or symposia held at UNC – Chapel Hill
  • Honoraria, speaker fees, and consulting fees for services provided in the United States
  • Professional development activities for related conference registration fees and/or membership fees for international scholarly organizations

What types of expenses are not permitted?

  • Personal use
  • Course development
  • Publishing-related expenses
  • Regular or base, or any related administrative supplements
  • Funding non-UNC research assistants
  • Hosting, catering, and venue rental for events, conferences, or symposia held abroad
  • Honoraria, speaker fees, and consulting fees for services provided abroad

For publishing-related expenses, please apply for the Arts and Humanities Publication Support Grant.

Are there any reporting requirements?

Yes, recipients of this award will be expected to submit two reports. The first, submitted at the end of summer 2025, is a progress report to update the IAH on work performed. The second, submitted at the end of the five-year period or once all of the funds have been spent, whichever comes first, will be a final report summarizing the work done and all research products (both in process and published).

Do the funds expire?

Yes, the funds from this grant will expire on June 30, 2030.

What are the steps to apply?

You may access the online application via Interfolio. For more information on accessing the Interfolio application, please see the announcement.

The application includes:

  • Narrative proposal that explains the importance of international research for this project (1,000 words max)
  • Work plan (one-page)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proposed budget
  • Chair’s endorsement

When will I be notified of a decision?

Proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee and recipients will be notified in March 2025.

Categories: Calls and Opportunities, News

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