Category: Podcasts
IAH Podcast | Nichola Lowe, Associate Professor, City and Regional Planning
In one of the graduate-level courses Professor Nichola Lowe teaches, one starts with a real-life issue to solve: how to provide education for a manufacturing worker named Maddie. Lowe uses the story from an Atlantic essay that discusses labor to prime her students to think outside typical paths to education that may not be possible for working-class workers.
IAH Podcast | Stephanie Schrader, J. Paul Getty Museum Curator
Stephanie Schrader, PhD, delivers the 22nd Mary Stevens Reckford Memorial Lecture in European Studies entitled Appropriating Asia: The Depiction of the Exotic in European Art. In this special episode, she reveals the inspiration for this lecture and gives a preview of what appropriation and exotification might mean in history in the context of trade and religion in Europe and Asia.
IAH Podcast | Misha Becker and Kristen Lindquist on how they collaborated on a FIRE grant
What began as an idea linking language, art, and psychological development quickly became a project at a local museum. A $25,000 grant for radical interdisciplinary research can do that.
IAH Podcast | Mark Schoenfisch, Chemistry Professor
Can Robert M. Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance be a pathway to learning chemistry? Professor Mark Schoenfisch, winner of the Chapman Family Teaching Award, uses it to show students what it means to “question things” and “experiencing life to the fullest by thinking.” Welcome to the IAH Podcast, a series from the Institute for the Arts and Humanities at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill … Read more
IAH Podcast | Susan Harbage Page, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies
In our interview with Susan Harbage Page, she describes her role in this already interdisciplinary field and how this has served her in her experience as a Faculty Fellow.
Jennifer Ho named new IAH Associate Director
Dr. Jennifer Ho, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies for the Department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will become the Associate Director of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities. “I’m very excited to be working with IAH Director Mark Katz and the rest of the IAH staff and am eager to help support the faculty in the college and across the … Read more