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Welcome Reception celebrates Fellows and fellowship at Hyde

An easel holds blue and white balloons and a sign reading “Welcome Faculty” outside of Hyde Hall.

During the first week of classes, the Institute for the Arts and Humanities opened Hyde Hall to past and current Fellows, program participants, and friends for an afternoon of fellowship and food. In addition to celebrating the return of the reception and the start of the new academic year, we also recognized twenty years of Hyde Hall as the home of the IAH.

Announcing the 2022-2023 Academic Leadership Program Fellows

Collage of the 2022-2023 ALP cohort. Top row: Elizabeth Havice, Seth Kotch, Suzanne Maman, Mary-Rose Papandrea. Second row: Courtney Rivard, Kumi Silva, Angela Stuesse, Jonathan Weiler.

Eight faculty members have been selected for the 2022-2023 cohort in the Institute for the Arts and Humanities’ Tyson Academic Leadership Program. The program is designed to aid current and emerging leaders through a series of activities to develop leadership capacities, clarify career commitments, and build their leadership network.

Q&A: Eliza Richards (FFP ’21) Helps George Moses Horton’s Work ‘Be Loudly Heard’

Eliza Richards

Eliza Richards (FFP ‘21) speaks with us about her recent project: The Collected Writings of George Moses Horton: A Critical Edition, and the legacy of the Black North Carolina poet.

Claire McCaskill, U.S. Senator 2007-2018, will deliver the Weil Lecture on American Citizenship at UNC

Claire McCaskill

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities announces Claire McCaskill, U.S. Senator 2007-2018, will deliver the 2021 Weil Lecture on American Citizenship on Monday, October 25 at 5:30 p.m. EDT in a virtual event.

Announcing the 2021-2022 Faculty Fellows

The Faculty Fellowship Program offers UNC College of Arts and Sciences faculty the opportunity to pursue ambitious, exciting, artistic, and scholarly projects that lead to publication, exhibition, composition, and performance.

Announcing the 2020-2021 Faculty Fellows

  The Institute for the Arts and Humanities is pleased to announce its 2020-2021 cohort of Faculty Fellows. The Faculty Fellowship Program offers UNC College of Arts and Sciences faculty the opportunity to pursue ambitious, exciting, artistic, and scholarly projects that lead to publication, exhibition, composition, and performance. During a semester-long, on-campus Fellowship, Fellows meet weekly to exchange id … Read more

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities’ Founder Ruel W. Tyson, Jr. Passes Away at 88

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of the Institute for the Arts and Humanities’ visionary founder, Ruel Willoughby Tyson, Jr. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill lost an esteemed scholar, colleague, mentor, and friend on the evening of Thursday, May 30, 2019. Tyson was born in the Winterville Township in Pitt County, N.C., on Dec. 2, 1930. Growing up near the banks of the Tar River, … Read more

Announcing new policies and pricing for events at Hyde Hall

Hyde Hall at McCorkle Place entrance

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities announces new usage policies and fees for Hyde Hall. These changes, which are consistent with facility-use policies across campus, will allow the Institute to maintain beautiful Hyde Hall as a welcoming space for faculty and the broader University community. Beginning June 1, the following daily fees will be charged to those reserving space at Hyde Hall: University Room, $400 … Read more

Schwab Academic Excellence Awards support 20 faculty members

Hyde Hall in the Fall

The Institute for the Arts and Humanities has announced the 20 winners of this year’s Schwab Academic Excellence Awards. The $3,000 prize recognizes one faculty member in each College of Arts and Sciences department across the arts, humanities, and qualitative sciences.