Author Archives: Angie Barker
2014 Reckford Lecture to examine the legacy of World War I
Angie BarkerHistorian Michael Geyer will deliver the 2014 Mary Stevens Reckford Memorial Lecture in European Studies.
Categories: Events, News
Welcome Spring 2014 Faculty Fellows
Angie BarkerThe Institute for the Arts and Humanities is pleased to welcome our Spring 2014 Faculty Fellows.
Categories: Faculty, News
IAH launches New Faculty Program in the College
Angie BarkerHow might the IAH extend broad-ranging innovative and interdisciplinary conversations to newly arrived faculty at Carolina?
Categories: Faculty, News
UNC’s Process Series presents En Mi Espejo, Veo Tu Cara (In My Mirror, I see Your Face)
Angie BarkerThe Process Series at UNC continues its 2013-2014 season with a new work-in-progress by performance and installation artist Roxana Pérez-Méndez.
Categories: Events, News
Profiled Fellow: Allen Anderson
Angie BarkerAllen Anderson’s music collaboration with students.
Categories: Faculty, News, Profiled Fellows
The Process Series finds new home at the IAH
Angie BarkerAt the start of the 2013-14 Season, the Process Series at UNC is happy to announce a new partnership with the Institute for the Arts & Humanities.
Categories: Events, News
IAH welcomes fall 2013 Fellows
Angie BarkerAs we kick off a new semester and a new academic year, the Institute for the Arts and Humanities welcomes the faculty members awarded Faculty Fellowships for the fall 2013 semester.
Categories: Faculty, News
Featured Advisory Board Member: John C. O’Hara
Angie BarkerJohn C. O’Hara of New York, NY served as Chair of the IAH Advisory Board from 2007-2011 and remains an active supporter and member of our Board today.
Categories: Alumni, Giving, News
Profiled Fellow: Andrew Perrin
Angie BarkerWhen I first met Dr. Andy Perrin, he greeted me in full stride, running to our interview directly from the last meeting of his graduate seminar on the sociology of culture.
Categories: Faculty, News, Profiled Fellows
Martin Puchner delivers the 2013 Mary Stevens Reckford Memorial Lecture in European Studies
Angie BarkerThe Institute for the Arts and Humanities welcomed philosopher and literary critic Martin Puchner to UNC to give the 2013 Mary Stevens Reckford Memorial Lecture in European Studies.
Categories: Events, News
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