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The Institute for the Arts and Humanities offers two core programs to take faculty to the next level in their careers.


Faculty Fellowships – The fellowships provide on-campus semester leaves for faculty to work on research for publication, exhibition, composition and performance. These highly competitive fellowships enable faculty to develop new courses, programs and initiatives. The program consists of a semester-long weekly seminar in which each class of up to 10 fellows meets to discuss their research, teaching and projects with an interdisciplinary group of colleagues.

Meet our current Faculty Fellows or search our database of past Faculty Fellows.


Academic Leadership Program Fellowships – The Institute for the Arts and Humanities helps prepare and support current and emerging academic leaders through a yearlong program. Eight fellows are selected annually to engage in a series of activities to help them develop leadership skills, clarify their career commitments, build a leadership network within the campus and extend their contacts to other leaders beyond the University. Because the ALP requires a significant time commitment, a flexible use stipend of $5,000 is provided for each participant. Once appointed, fellows join an expanding community who receive ongoing support from their new network of colleagues. Fellows often meet even after their semester together ends, continuing the conversation.

Meet our current Academic Leadership Program Fellows or search our database of past ALP participants.


Chapman Summer Fellows – Also called the Chapman Family Teaching Awards, the award was established to honor the distinguished teaching of undergraduate students. Four Chapman Summer Fellows are selected each year by the Provost’s Teaching Awards Committee. The Fellows receive a $30,000 flexible-use stipend to support course development and/or research over five years. The Chapman Summer Fellows participate in two meetings to discuss their topics with the Institute for the Arts and Humanities Director.


For more information, contact:

Tommie Watson
Executive Director