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The Institute for the Arts and Humanities serves as UNC’s faculty home for interdisciplinary conversation and collaboration. Its mission is to help the university recruit, refresh, develop, and retain a world-class faculty of scholars and teachers. At the heart of this mission is the affirmation of the crucial value of the arts and humanities to the life of the university and the world.

The IAH supports its mission through its commitment to three interrelated areas of faculty life: scholarship, leadership, and fellowship. The IAH promotes scholarship through its Faculty Fellows Program; by sponsoring conferences, lectures, and public conversations; and through its support of faculty working groups. The Institute trains and supports current and emerging university leaders through the Academic Leadership Program and the Chairs Leadership Program. The Institute promotes fellowship—the collegiality that fosters strong community and professional collaboration—in all its programs, including the Faculty Life Cycle Programs that build mentoring networks for faculty at all stages of their academic careers.